It is hard for me to expose these letters that I kept on my computer for so long because I was
evaluating whether to send them or not, asking myself if my ego was trying to force me to do it.
At the end who am I to treat this sensitive issues this way? But then, simple people without any
"title" or school diplomas, without any power or voice, as am I, have few chances to express their
feelings or their point of view so, I decided to expose them this way - otherwise I would feel as a
fetus conceived in love and then aborted. Why? To prove to myself that I have no problems with
my ego? No, this would be wrong. For things are wrong on this world and few want to face them
because they are "too complex" as few wanted to face an "inflated ego" of Hitler when he still was
a minor devil. This man coloured our history mostly black, but that happens when nobody wants to
recognize and stop the evil when it is "little", saying I don't care or just minding their own business.
I know god's ways are mysterious and I want to appeal to the world society through this three who
I believe are the most influential persons to act responsibly as possible to prevent humanity failing
this demanding exam. I know there are solutions for any problem, but they must be solved with
radically different approaches from those we tried to apply before now because we didn't want to
expose the main problem of this sick society - mans EGO-ism - the biggest damned problem of
today. So god help us and teach us how to share. Here are my letters.
Đenio Zadkovič
Free_Territory_of_Trieste_on_Wikipedia |
I remember my mother used to say: »My son, we all have to
live in the sense of 'live and let live' but my father used to
add: »Yes, your mother is right but in this world with an idiot
you can interact just in an idiotic manner, because otherwise an
idiot does not understand.« I use this example to illustrate how
very differently the »west« sees the »east« and vice versa.
There are so many things we should overcome as mankind because
they belong to history or we'll remain in the dinosaur era as
religions have. Imagine a multinational corporation which
»allows« us to redeem our sins by just going to church, to make
a confession to the preacher deleting our sins with a few
prayers and a contribution before leaving. A conscience laundry.
A payable service. Are we kidding? This pattern is the root of
tax evasion. A human body has 5 liters of blood in circulation
and on the top of the head "we" agree to have a sort of by tube
which is filling another body which must be hidden. After a
while our first body becomes anemic because it does not have 5
liters of blood in its circulation but only 3 liters or less and
the consequence is the collapse of the body, but "we" still have
the hidden one which is vital and flourishing like heaven. Isn't
that cheating? If it is, why, or, better, who is allowing it?
Sheep: we are all allowing it, because we are not aware of
anything and it is in the interest of the machine to keep us in
Yes, Jesus said to his disciples to make a few customs, not
rituals, to remember him by, but I am afraid that these customs
are all that remains of the doctrine of Jesus. A simple liturgy
I don't say it is little, but they are not transmitting the
essence of his teachings. How so? The »western« society is the
biggest religious society in the world and it has the name of
the Christ which is a shame, because in its name territories
around the world were exploited and the autochthonous were
enslaved. Are Christians the richest because »in god they
trust«? No, but because they were enterprising, resourceful and
working people...or is it just a misunderstanding of the notion
of freedom? It fits Darwin’s theory where the »Lions« rule.
Mankind is beyond the jungle? Where is the conscience of western
Lions? Still extant? Two thousand years have passed but we
didn't move forward one step. Jesus came to show us how to
share, how to be noble, to respect all that is alive. Why are we
worshipping him if we are behaving as animals and this
comparison is offensive for animals but actually is it just a
euphemism? On the other hand, there are people who hit women
because their walking was too »strong« and so the jingling of
their decorations was too loud and they argued that hitting the
women for that was because of her violation of the law/codex the
society introduced for the respect of women. Shall we put them
in cages? Oh, god. Have you ever heard about FREEDOM? Freedom is
just one of the many names of god and it is equal to love. The
only way to respect them is to treat them with love. They all
are someone’s mother, daughter, sister. The problem of the world
society is the problem of abusing power especially in the
relation man/woman: and the pattern derives from religions. Man
must develop the empathy or become able to empathize with the
woman switch the conscience »on« as »Lions« must empathize
with others or our lives are meaningless. When lives are
meaningless terror is the only master. What about religions as
they are? Are they still useful or is mankind becoming too
»demanding« for them. The evolution of the mind is accelerating
toward a free individuation process wherein each of us can
perceive god free of any dogmas (from the Greek dogma: opinion)
and socalled "holy scriptures".
No more poverty, respect for women, respect for the weaker,
clear conscience and freedom for all. Such commandments shall be
"new" forever until the ego deflation as a consequence will
reduce bluffing, lying and all perverted inventions of ego to
reveal our real self, find our inner peace – the common
denominator of all living beings transforming the power of greed
to the power of love. And if someone still wants to abuse any
power the people will consider him as a primitive and not
»tough« as they think they are considered today – a simple
dinosaur lost in history, an idiot. |